Turn The Old Limiting Story Into A New Expansive Story


Now that we have a new juicy expansive story it is time to turn your old story into a new one. (Read previous blog post)

In this piece I’m going to cover the process of reprogramming. If you’re just tuning in I’ve been sharing each week on my curated Process to Change. This is a process on how to make lasting change in your life… it’s magical. It’s also a process that can help you to heal from your past so you can have a vibrant future.

I want to start by saying that reprogramming the old limiting belief or story into a new vibrant and expansive story takes patience and persistence. There’s no instant gratification with this process. At least not to start with. It takes time and repeated effort. The rewards are well worth it. The more you do it the easier and faster it gets.

Let’s dive into how to reprogram the new story.

There are many ways to reprogram and I will share the one that works best for me. I first identify the old thoughts, the old feelings and the old actions with the old story. We need to become aware of our old thoughts, feelings and actions connected to the old story so that we can catch them and shift them to the new story as we go about our daily life. This will literally help you create a new neural synaptic connection in the brain. You’re basically rewiring your brain.

Then I decide on the new thoughts, feelings and actions that are connected to the new story. This makes it a lot easier when those old thoughts, feelings and actions pop up and you are ready to shift into with new thoughts, feelings and actions.

The daily practice I have is getting into a meditative state and seeing my new thoughts, my new feelings and my new actions connected to the new story. If something comes up around the old story I honor it by blessing it and releasing it. I might release it in the form of a balloon floating away or water washing it away. I use whatever visualization that resonates with me.

This seems simple enough and yet many of us get stuck. We can visualize till we’re blue in the face and nothing changes. That’s because there’s some stuck energy that we need to face and heal within us. This is where I usually use inner child or shadow work to go in deep.

Often times the inner child within us needs something that we have not yet addressed. We need to address it or we won’t shift. This is when I go back to the investigation stage and look at what I did need back then when the old story was formed. Whatever I discovered that I needed I give that to my inner child and to myself. I also look for any additional emotions that I haven’t fully felt. I want to release any stuck energy from my past in order to fully step into my future.

Sometimes we have placed something in our shadow that we need to put a light on. Shadow are aspects of ourselves that we deny and/or hideaway. We would be utterly embarrassed if anyone saw that part of ourselves or thought that about us. To give an example from my own life, one of the first shadow aspects I worked through was “crazy”. Though I never felt crazy and yet I was always scared to be seen as crazy.

As a child I witnessed a family member expressing their emotions through throwing boxes alone in the room. Other members of the family would call him crazy. At a young age I decided crazy was a bad thing and that I would never be crazy. Therefore I created behaviors to make sure I was never crazy. That prohibited me from fully feeling free because sometimes you need to be a little crazy in life.

I had to fully step in and own that I too had the capacity to be crazy. That I could allow myself to be crazy if I wanted to and not be afraid of it. This released the old energy so I could step into the new energy and the new story a lot easier.

I highly recommend seeking support from a therapist, coach or experienced healer for these deeper things. Having someone guide you while using a safe container to do so will help you immensely and not re-traumatize you.

Now it is your turn:
Start with just writing out what is the old thoughts, old feelings and old actions connected to the old story and then identify the new thoughts, new feelings and new actions connected to the new story.

Work on noticing when the old thoughts, feelings and actions become present in your life and shifting them to the new thoughts, feelings and actions. That alone will start helping you reprogram your own story. Of course you can jump into a meditation and start visualizing this new story.

Keep me posted and comment below how you go with this. Remember it takes patience and persistence to start.

In the next piece I will discuss Integrating the new story into your life. This will help you reprogram faster and come into alignment with you are becoming to create what you truly desire in your life.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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