The Process to Change


Creating a New Reality!

Most of us want to change our lives. Even if we are happy with our lives we still have this desire to evolve, grow and expand. It makes perfect sense since we are part of the universe and the universe is always expanding. That energy lives within us.

Where we get stuck is around how to change. We often focus on the surface level rituals of change like…kiss more frogs until you meet your prince, diets, workout regimes, another program to take your business to the next level. We might see some success but how often do you feel you are trying another diet, workout program, wealth seminar etc and still struggling to make the actually change you desire?

I have totally been there…especially with relationships and finances. I kept dating a lot of frogs seeing the potential of them being a prince. And I have been in and out of debt so many times that it is exhausting. Though all of these programs, rituals and ideas have value, they were not addressing the underlying issues. … your beliefs.

Beliefs are the programs or stories we live by and the majority of them are unconscious. Our minds will literally look out into the world to find evidence that match those beliefs. Why? Because it is what is familiar. And here is the thing, we don’t even realize that we have these beliefs because it tis unconscious to us.

For example, say you only find emotionally unavailable partners to date. When you look under the surface you might discover that you have a unconscious belief around this. And when you look deeper you might discover that a parent or both parents were not emotionally available. So your subconscious mind picked that up and made a belief around it. And over time it has become familiar to you.

It makes sense why that is all you are seeing in your outer world. The mind wants to reinforce what it knows because it knows how to navigate through what it knows. Your body is even going to react to feeling more comfortable being around that person because it feels familiar.

Therefore the process to changing your life is digging deeper into your beliefs and changing from that level. This requires awareness and reprogramming of the mind and body. It is not an easy process to start because you are literally stepping into the unfamiliar. But the more you do it, the easier it gets and the more you want to do it because your life begins to change.

Much Love & Light,




Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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