Integrate Your New Story Into Your Life


I think so many people either don’t know this step or skip it but I am here to tell you that Integration is one of the most important steps in the Process of Change.

It is not just about visualizing the new story and creating new thoughts and feelings but it is also about changing your actions. In order to create the life you want you need to become the change.

Einstein once said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” If you don’t change what you are doing then you will continue to get the same results. And we are not here to get the same results …we want to change our lives.

Remember that in order to change your personal reality you need to shift your personality. Which means you need to shift your behaviors, your habits, your actions, your feels, your thoughts and your story/belief. I know this seems like a lot. Once you get this process down it becomes easier.

You start with writing a new story/belief then working on repeating the new thoughts and feelings connected to the new story. When you have an old thought or feeling connected to the old story you shift it to the new one and you do this over and over again until it begins to stick. This is like watering a seed daily so it can sprout.

AND you also need to take acton. Action will help fuel the flames of that new story to grow. It is like the energy that helps the sprouted seed bust through the surface and start to take form. Taking Action will reinforce the new thoughts and feelings which will help form the habits… to form the behaviors… to form the personality…which again forms the personal reality.

Let’s talk about how you get started with creating action steps. We want to align the actions with the new thoughts and feelings to help support the creation of the new personalty.

Let me give you a few examples to illustrate this:
New Story: I am a strong runner
New Thoughts: I can run, running is fun, running is easy, my body enjoys running.
New Feelings: motivated, determination, excitement, joy
Actions: Running 2 to 3 times a week, watching a movie about a runner, buying new running shoes that properly fit me, sharing with my friends that I am becoming a strong runner and asking them to cheer me on or run with me.

New Story: It is normal and okay to feel fear
New Thoughts: Fear is a normal human emotion, I am okay when fear presents itself, fear is just sensations in my body, fear is asking me to learn something or face something.
New Feelings: calm, relaxed, grounded with my fear
Actions: Deep breathing when fear presents itself, Allow myself to feel the sensations of fear in my body, get curious about what I either need to learn or face, step into the fear with the knowledge I discover from my curiosity, tell my close friends about my story about fear and ask them to hold me accountable.

Now it is your turn:
Looking at your new story and the new thoughts and feelings you have paired with it, what might be some aligned action steps to go along with it. How can you start integrating this new story into your life to start to become your new story?

Gandhi once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the World.”

I reframe it to, “You are becoming the change you wish to see in your world.” …especially through aligned action.

Comment below and let me know your action steps to help you be accountable to who you are becoming.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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