You Can’t Change What You Are Not Aware Of


Many of us want to change and yet we don’t actually know what needs to change. We often assume we need to change the symptom, what is on the surface, other than looking deeper to what is causing the symptom. And yet the symptom is our starting point to unlocking the root cause.

When I work through “The Process to Change” I start with awareness. Awareness of what is currently showing up, what emotion does bring up within me, what is the behavior that I am noticing being activated and what do I want to do about it. I do this without doing anything about it yet. I only bring my awareness to what is happening from the place of the observer and not the judge.

Let me give you an example from my own life:
I noticed that recently I was getting agitated with some friends acting from a place of fear. I was feeling frustrated and at times angry about it. I wanted to tell them to stop and share that I thought they were being ridiculous and there was nothing to be afraid of. I noticed I didn’t want them around. This was the awareness I started to have as I observed myself.

Once I had this awareness about myself I started to get curious about what within me was this triggering.

When we start getting curious we move into the investigation piece of “The Process to Change”. From the pieces that I collected by being aware of myself I could then begin to recognize something familiar… the way I was responding to my friends’ fear was the same way my mother would respond to my fear when I was younger. I created a story at such a young age that it was ridiculous to have fear. Which in essence lead me to reject my own fear. My friends were mirroring this back to me.

Now it is your turn. Take time to reflect and journal on the following:

  • what is currently showing up?
  • what emotion are you feeling around it?
  • what thoughts are coming up?
  • what is it you want to do about it if you did something in this moment?

This starts giving you a picture to work from. When we start seeing ourselves from the place of the observer it is a lot easier to start seeing what is going on. What is important is not to judge ourselves for what we become aware of. Easier said than done. With time it does become easier.

Remember: “Your personality creates your personal reality” — Dr. Joe Dispenza. Start becoming aware of your personality by looking at what is currently showing in your life that you don’t want there and becoming aware of your thoughts, your emotions and what actions you want to take around it.

Once you have this information you can move into Investigation which is looking under the surface to discover the root…your unconscious belief. I will share more about this in my next bog post.

Let me know what you resonated with.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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