Unexpressed emotion impacts the body


When you hold back how you feel, where does the emotion go?
It stays in the body.

When you accumulate unexpressed emotions overtime it creates dis-ease in the body.

Here is a simple example from my own life:

  • Feeling hurt, angry and fear the night I found out my partner had a whole other relationship.
  • My body wanting to express those emotions by kicking him. My mind holding back for fear of the consequences if I hurt him and the fear of shame I would feel. (Just thinking about doing it felt shameful)
  • My Central Nervous System shutting my kick muscle down on the right side to protect me from kicking him.
  • My body compensating without that muscle to find stability.
  • Eventually losing some function on the right side of my body due to the compensation.

This one event was the tipping point for the accumulation of anger, hurt and fear I had not expressed since I was a little girl.

Recently I had a Muscle Activation Technique session and we worked on activating that muscle again. Within seconds of activation, emotion started to flood out of me. I continued to feel emotion come in waves for a few days.

And I started to get more functionality back in my right side. I have more space and freedom in my body.

Learning to embrace and express your emotions in healthy ways is one of the key ingredients to transcending your reality and living a life with more ease and joy. It is hard to be joyful when you are emotionally constipated.

As the song from the movie Frozen says, “let is go, let it go, can’t hold me back anymore.”

Letting go of your emotions is something you will learn in Module 2 of Transcend Your Reality.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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