Unconsciously Running Away


This topic of unconsciously running away has been on my mind for awhile now and I am finally putting words to the feelings I often feel when I witness others doing this. One of the gifts I have is feeling what another is feeling, sometimes when they can’t. It is part of being a Projector in Human Design.

As a Projector I am here to guide energy. This is why I can feel the emotions strongly in others whether they are connected to it or not. And this is why I can feel when people are running away…even unconsciously. Here is the thing though, you too can tap into your own energy and discover for yourself if you are unconsciously running away.

Let’s first break down what it means to unconsciously run away. Running away is to leave or avoid. Unconscious means you are not aware of it.

Therefore Unconsciously Running Away means you don’t realize you are leaving or avoiding. You can happily justify why you are going and its actually convincible.

Then sometimes the day arrives when you consciously realize you have been running away which feels terrify because you have gaslighted yourself and now you are not sure if you can trust yourself. (Yup, I have been there and it sucks!)

Trusting yourself is a journey, especially if you have never been taught to truly know yourself. Being with yourself and your energy is key to knowing yourself. Most of us live our lives from the head up.

So start connecting from the head down. Don’t disconnect from the head as it is a key part to the whole AND it is not the whole. Start discovering what other parts of your body are saying from the place of the observer.

Come at this from a beginners mind, which means an open, eager and lack of preconceptions state of being. The mind is important but don’t allow it to tell you what you are experiencing…just experience it and trust what you are experiencing. Simply close your eyes and tune into your body.

It is a practice to connect with yourself in this way and it might be uncomfortable at first. Lean into the discomfort- you are safe but it feels unfamiliar. Eventually tuning in will feel so familiar the more you do it. Give yourself the gift of a daily practice of tuning into yourself for a few minutes each day without any expectation of what you might feel.

Basically stop unconsciously running away from yourself and learn to be with yourself.

Happy Re-Connecting!

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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