Transitions Are Part Of The Journey


The other day I looked at the calendar and thought, “We are still in March. It feels like 3 months have gone by.” A lot has happened since I landed in Paris three and a half weeks ago.

It has been a transition not only with being in different countries (which I have been to 6 so far) but also living life as a digital nomad. Things are constantly changing, not sure where you will be working from that afternoon or even what you will be sleeping on, managing your workouts and self-care as well as squeezing in time to see things and connect with people.

Honestly it has felt like a lot and that is the beauty of transitions. I have been triggered which is a blessing because it has allowed me to heal at another level. I have learned what preferences I have as I navigate the digital nomad life. (i.e. I have specific days I travel between cities and don’t have any coaching sessions on those days.)

Transitions are an important part of transcending your reality and creating the life you choose. You transition out of the life you currently are experiencing and step into the one you are creating.

It comes with feeling unsure and apprehension as well as excitement and accomplished. It’s like learning to drive a car. At first you don’t know what you don’t know. You are nervous and very focused. The more that you learn the parts of the car, how to us them and practice driving…eventually it feels natural. You can eat, listen to music and drive to work without even thinking about it.

In order to transcend your reality and create the life you choose, you need to move through transitions. You navigate through the ups and downs and develop new preferences for your new life. Next week I will break down the stages of conscious learning which are the phases of transitions. My goal is for you to understand the process to bring more ease to your journey.

Pop me a comment below and let me know how this was helpful.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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