The truth about emotions


I cringe every time someone says “negative emotions” or “positive emotions”.

We have created language around emotions that is not true. Emotions are not good or bad, nor are they negative or positive.

They are just physiological sensations in the body. That is it!

When you label them as good or bad, you place a perspective on them. And when you place a perspective on them, then you create an experience based on that perspective.

For example: If you have the perspective that anger is a negative emotion, your experience with anger will be negative, judged and quite honestly not fun.

When you shift your perspective of anger as just physiological sensations in the body, then what do you imagine your experience will be with anger?

Once the mind attaches a story to what a certain emotion is and isn’t, then you create that experience — it becomes your reality.

Practice letting go of the perspective of any emotion being good or bad, negative or positive…even practice letting go of labeling the emotion anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, frustration, joy, happy, etc…and just notice the sensations in the body.

Watch how your relationship with emotions begin to shift and how your life shifts.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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