The Stages of Emotional Evolution


I had a great decision with a friend recently about the Lens of Consciousness (to me, by me, for me, through me and as me by Michael Beckwith). Specifically we were talking about our emotions at each stage or lens. I thought about it even more and wanted to share some insights with all of you.

When you look at your emotions through the lens of To Me then you are at the effect of the emotion. You are a victim to the emotion and the experience of the emotion. It is as if you were being villainized by the emotion. We talked about how uncomfortable this is and that most people live in this stage when it comes to their emotions. This is when we are in the drama triangle and can often prosecute ourselves for having the emotion and then becoming the hero by numbing or suppressing that emotion.

When you look at your emotions through the lens of By Me then you begin to take responsibility for your emotions. Though many tend to blame themselves in this stage and therefore are in the drama triangle also.

When you look at your emotions through the lens of For Me then you start to see how your emotion is a gift for you. It’s telling you something. Its communicating with you and giving you guidance to improve your life. Like an oil light coming on your dashboard telling you need for oil in order for the car to run better.

When you look at your emotions through the lens of Through Me then you are moving the energy of the emotion through you. Allowing yourself to feel the wave of the emotion as it moves through you without becoming attached to it or to the experience of it.

When you look at your emotions through the lens of As Me then you are the wave. The emotion is not passing through you but instead you are the power of that emotion and you ride on it. Sort of like a surfer riding a wave. Instead of the wave moving through them they become one with the wave and ride it. There is no separation between you and it.

These are what I call the Stages of Emotional Evolution. We need to go through each to build off and reach the next one.

Reflect and recognize which stage you are in most. Don’t judge where you are in this moment. Just become aware and recognize which stage you are currently in. From there you can make a choice to evolve or not.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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