Stop settling…You are worth more


One of my biggest takeaways from my last relationship was that I settled. I settled for less than I truly wanted. Though my last partner had so much of what I desired in a relationship he didn’t have everything I truly wanted.

I was stuck in the belief that many of us have, “You will never get exactly what you want. That doesn’t exist and it is not realistic. You need to compromise.”

Have you heard this before?

In essence, I was settling for less than what I wanted because time and time again I heard that it is unrealistic to get everything you want. Doesn’t reading those words make you feel small and contracted?

Because I settled I was out of alignment with myself and ended up feeling a lot of pain.

Here is the thing, when you settle you are saying you are not worthy enough to receive what you truly want. But that simply is not true. You are worthy of having what you want. We all are! And when you step into that worth the universe expands. That is the universe we all want to live in…an expansive one.

For way to long we have allowed the outside world with its small mindedness dictate our worth. And therefore perpetuate the small mindedness back out into the world. It is a cycle of scarcity and playing small. When we say we settle for less then we keep creating less and we unconsciously tell others that it is okay to play less.

It is time to take our power back and play big…to be expansive and abundant and believe we are worthy it.

As I have been examining where I have been settling in my life I realized another area that is so common for most of us…Politics. In 2016, I was a Bernie fan. At that time in my life I really resonated with him. But as most of you know he did not win the nomination for the Democratic Party.

I did not want Hilary but even more so I didn’t want Trump. As I discussed options with friends about this I kept hearing, “we need to compromise and vote for Hilary because we can’t have Trump as President.” There is that word again, compromise.

For me personally Hilary was a better option than Trump but also for me personally neither candidate I felt was a correct fit for the job. So, I settled and voted for Hilary. I know many others have felt the same way…even many who voted for Trump because they just couldn’t vote for Hilary.

I saw the same thing unfold here in Brazil during the last Presidential elections. I keep asking myself, “Why are we settling? Do we really think there are not other options? Do we think this is all we got?” We continue to create the same reality because we don’t believe there is more out there.

But there is more out there even ones we can’t see it yet. There is a whole universe of possibility out there.

When we open ourselves up to the possibilities, expand our thinking and believe we are worthy of it than options present themselves. What often happens is we don’t think something greater can come along, we think what we have is all we got and so we settle with it.

Here is my challenge for you this week… stop settling in every area of your life. Open to possibilities, expand your thinking and believe you are worthy of it even if you can’t see it yet.

Comment below and let me know where you might be settling in your life.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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