Stages of Consciousness


The other day I woke up feeling sluggish because I was triggered by a friend’s comment the night before. I didn’t sleep well and kept tossing and turning all night thinking about what my friend said to me.

I felt hurt and wanted to stay away from this friend to avoid the pain. My mind got stuck in a trap of “How could this friend say that to me? They don’t really know me or have my best interest at heart if they said those things. They are projecting their stuff onto me and I don’t deserve this. Why should I spend time with them if they don’t have my best interest at heart?”

But something deeper kept reminding me that what happened was not TO ME but rather FOR ME.

Michael Beckwith, founder of Agape Spiritual Center, shared with the world a model for understanding the Stages of Spiritual Growth and Development. It is an opportunity to step out of being a victim in your life and stepping into living an empowered life on your way to oneness with life.

The TO ME stage keeps us in the victim seat…never having power in our lives. It is the blame, shame, guilt stage.

The BY ME stage is starting to put you back in the driving seat of your life and realizing that you have power and responsibility for your life. However, I believe you can step into victimizing yourself in this stage.

This is why I added the FOR ME stage which was not in the original stages. This is where you realize that things that are happening are FOR YOU to learn, grow and expand. This gives room for curiosity, wonder, possibilities and flow.

The THROUGH ME stage is when you feel life moving through you. You have practiced so many skills and evolved that life and the things that happen move through you.

The AS ME stage is a tough one for even me to wrap my head around at times. It is the stage where the things happening in the world are AS YOU because you are one with all…with consciousness, the universe, nature, god, etc.

Coming back to the situation with my friend I realized that what was happening was FOR ME. It was a gift and not a punishment. From that perspective I could find the root cause from my childhood, heal, reprogram and integrate the lesson for the growth that is taking place in my life.

When you look through a different lens the view changes and so does the process.

What lens do you want to start looking through as things happen in your life? Comment below and let me know.

Much Love & Light,


#stagesofconsciousness #innerchildwork #formestage



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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