Stages Of Conscious Learning
Last week I talked about this process being a transition. You are transitioning from your current reality to a new one of your own making.
As I said in my last email, this process of transcending your reality is like learning to drive a car. At first you don’t know what you don’t know. You are nervous and very focused. The more that you learn the parts of the car, how to us them and practice driving…eventually it feels natural. You can eat, listen to music and drive to work without even thinking about it.
Let’s break down the transition (transcending) path more clearly.
You start with:
Unconscious Incompetent
You do not know you are living from a prison created by your mind which is predicting your current reality. Therefore you have no competencies for living outside that prison.
Once you become aware of the prison you are living in you and commit to transcending it you move to:
Conscious Incompetent
You are aware that you have been living from a prison created by your mind and now understand and commit to living outside of that prison.
You have little to no competencies yet to live from outside the prison but you start practicing your new life outside the prison.
As you begin to practice this new reality you shift into:
Conscious Competent
You are conscious and still focused on the new reality you are creating.
You have many competencies for living the new reality and you still practice them.
With more practice you eventually arrive at:
Unconscious Competent
You are unconscious and no longer focused on creating that new reality because it feels natural and normal now. You have arrived!
You have many competencies for living this new reality that come naturally.
It’s a journey of awareness and practice until you are living, breathing, sleeping and essentially have become the new reality and the old one feels foreign.
Does that make sense?
If you are ready to transcend your reality then I invite you to join the online Transcend Your Reality program. This unique program guides you through the process of seeing the prison you are living in and supports you with being accountable to creating a new reality. Enrollment is now open until April 13th. If you are ready, willing and able to dive into this work then I welcome you to apply. Learn more here.
Much Love & Light,