New Year, New Energies


Can you feel the new energy that’s poured it? I feel it and it feels so dang good. It feels like the coolness of a waterfall hitting the top of my head on a hot summer’s day.

I will admit that I often feel a zing of newness at the start of every year. It’s partially because there is hope for better than the last year and we always enter a new year with the sun in Capricorn which helps us create that forward moving energy. But this year has felt like an especially powerful burst of juice. That could be because December had some heavy hitting energies which eased up Dec 30th and 31st. It was a doozy of a month for me personally, several friends and most of my clients.

This month and honestly the start of the year bring in new forward moving energies. Finally! Uranus steps forward and finally becomes stronger than Saturn. Uranus is about the future and Saturn is about the past. This doesn’t mean parts of our past won’t creep up but now we will have the energy and strength of Uranus to take what comes up and help propel us forward.

We are stronger, wiser and more grounded now. This will take us far this next year. The outer world might feel like a torrential downpour or tornado like winds but most of us doing the work will stay strong within our new found values. Heck some of us will look at the window and say, “What storm?”

Perspective is key here. It’s not about sticking your head in the sand. It’s about looking at a situation differently. Personally I’m shifting my motivation to come from love rather than fear. Both can move you. But try each one on and see how it feels.

For example: say you want to take care of your health (classic New Years goal). When you are motivated by fear you are taking care of your health because you are afraid of not being able to do the things you love, you’re afraid someone might need to take care of you as you get older or maybe you’re afraid to die.

When you are motivated by love you are excited to have the flexibility, strength and endurance to do the things you love doing for as long as you can, you want to take care of yourself for as long as you can because you love being independent and you are excited at the possibility of living a long life.

Which energy do you choose? Do you want to get sucked into the chaos of the world around you or do you want to use that chaos to propel you forward into the future?

Happy New Year!

Much Love & Light,




Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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