Lighting the darker sides of YOU


Doing this work to fully be in your power and be free requires lighting the dark sides of you — looking at your shadows and being free of them.

For example yesterday I was doing a forgiveness practice. I was writing a letter to someone that I felt hurt by their actions.

Forgiveness is about letting go of judgement you placed on the other or yourself for their actions or your own. It is not about letting them off the hook or saying what they did was okay. It was not okay! But do you need to carry around judgement towards them about what they did? Nope.

That judgement is like a cord that keeps you bound to that person or to a version of yourself that is not serving you. When you let go of that judgement you cut that cord and that energy…this is forgiveness.

You don’t do it in a bitter way…like, “I am done with that person, they can f-off now.” That energy still carries low vibes which doesn’t serve you or the collective. When you let go from a place of love and compassion you are shifting your energy into a high vibe experience.

Through the practice of forgiveness yesterday I realized an aspect of the other I was judging was their “needy and obsessive” behavior. These were strong judgements I placed on them and I could feel it trigger me as I wrote about it.

I immediately stopped and asked myself, “why am I judging this behavior so harshly?” I sat for a few seconds lingering in the question and then the ah-ha hit… “because I carry shame around the times I have acted in this manner.”

This allowed me to put a light on my shadow and gave me an opportunity to investigate why I shamed this part of myself.

Our shadows hold so much power over us and keep us small. But when we shine a light and out our shadow we are set free to the bold, grande and beautiful person we were always meant to be…even with our flaws.

Play with me for a minute so you can experience what I am talking about.

Think about something you have never told anyone before… maybe you stole something, cheated on an exam, acted in a way you deem unfit, didn’t pay your taxes, feel selfish, etc. Something that triggers you if someone you admire and respect finds out. (eek!)

Notice how it has its grips on you. Recognize what behaviors and/or actions you take or don’t take to avoid from anyone finding out. Observe how small you feel just thinking about it.

Remember the saying, “The truth sets you free.” That is what I felt when I put a light on my shadow and accepted that at times I have been needy and obsessive. I let go of making myself bad for sometimes being this way.

Now if someone I admire and respect said to me, “Kerri-Ann, you are needy and obsessive.” my response will be, “You are totally right, sometimes I do act needy and obsessive. And this is a great opportunity for me to look deeper within myself to understand what I need and why am I obsess over it.” I don’t think anything less of myself but instead empower myself.

I freed myself from judgement and opened myself to heal. That is the gift I received from lighting the dark sides of me. This is being in your power.

Much Love & Light,




Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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