Life On The Other Side Of The Limiting Story


As I mentioned in my previous post, you need to identify the root story that has been limiting us. Often times it is a blindspot. We don’t even realize that we have this underlying story AND what is currently showing up in your life is a symptom of that limiting story.

I recently held a workshop where I walked participants through a process to discover one of their root stories or cages they have been living by. Some of the cages they have been living by were:

  • I cannot be weak therefore I need to be strong
  • I have to do things on my own
  • I cannot be wrong because it only reinforces I am not good enough

Notice I used the word “were’, past tense. That’s because during the workshop they started releasing their stories and they started looking outside their cages to see what is possible outside of their story. They started seeing life on the other side of their limiting story.

Some of the things they could see on the other side of their limiting stories were:

  • Feeling more confident being with others
  • Freedom
  • More ease in my body
  • Not being triggered
  • Flow in my life

Life starts to look very different on the other side of your limiting story. It is not always easy to see at first.


Because you have never experienced life without your cage, without the limiting story you have been living by. And the more you release those limitations, the more life becomes available to you.

Here is something you can start playing with to begin to the journey of understanding life on the other side of the limiting story:

  1. How might you feel when you let go of the limiting story?

2. What becomes possible for your life be when you let go of this limiting story?

Life on the other side of your limiting story is Pure Love and Possibility.

Are you ready for a life of pure love and possibility?

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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