Inner Child Work, what the?


This term Inner Child is being thrown around more in the personal development space yet so many people don’t know what it is or how it might benefit their life.

From my personal experience working with it now over 5 years it is powerful and juicy. Okay maybe it doesn’t feel juicy when you first start doing Inner Child work. Once you start seeing the results you are fully committed to doing the work.

Most of what is happening in your life today is because of conditioning and programming that you developed in childhood. Unconsciously, of course! The life you have which includes the career, relationship, finances and health are mostly programs that you formed in childhood. You formed these unconsciously.

They were formed within the first 7 years of life. Why the first 7 years? Because the brain is in theta brainwave state which means it is like a sponge soaking up the world. When you were born you had no idea how the world worked, what your role was, or even how to do basic things like walk. You looked outside of yourself and mimicked what you saw. Your brain was just downloading what it was seeing, experiencing and feeling. It made meaning to things with very little understanding of what it was making meaning to.

Those patterns you formed in childhood have been on repeat and you have unconsciously looking for and attracting in similar situations to reaffirm those patterns. (Gulp!)

Think about it for a moment…where in your life are similar things showing up again and again? Do you keep dating the same type of person? Do you keep working in the same type of work environment with the same type of boss? Do you keep running into the same financial situations again and again?

None of these are signs that you are doing anything wrong. In reality you are doing everything right based on your programing. The programming you unconsciously adopted in childhood is operating perfectly. Well done!

But is it serving your highest good? Is it allowing to live the life you truly want? Or is it keeping you where you are at?

Most likely it is keeping you where you are at because again it is a program you unconsciously created to navigate through the world when your view point of the world was super tiny.

Here is where Inner Child work comes into play to help you unlock these patterns, reprogram them and integrate new patterns into your life so you can live a grand life.

Inner Child work helps you find out the root of the program so you understand why you created it and what you needed. From that place you can start healing the wound and recreate a different a different life for yourself.

Let me give you an example from my own life to really illustrate this. For my entire life I have dated and attracted men who adored me but were not emotionally available, especially for me. I also noticed that I used to get super anxious in relationships and always worried they would leave. When I started doing this work and looking back at my childhood I could pinpoint the extra moments and events that created these patterns and beliefs.

Once I realized this I started reprogramming these aspects of myself by giving that little one within me what I needed to create secure attachments with those close around me. I integrate it by asking for what I need, surrounding myself with more people who exhibit secure attachments and I say no to dating men who can’t create that secure attachment with me. What is interesting is different men are showing up in my life than before. It actually feels strange and unfamiliar to me because it is new for me.

This is the power and juiciness of Inner Child work. Let me know if this all makes sense, what do you think about it and/or if you have additional questions about this work. I love hearing from you and I promise to reply as I want to start more dialogues about this work.

Much Love & Light,

PS. Looking for more love in your life? Strengthening that love muscle is a great way to call more love into you life. Check out my Love Fest: 21-day journey to self-love and compassion.



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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