How do you want to be loved?


This is such a profound question and one that many of us don’t often ask or truly take the time to answer. We have been told what love is and yet we have not sought a definition for ourselves.

Romantic comedies and Disney have painted a picture over and over again of what it should look like…what your desire of love should be. But is it truly how you want to be loved?

There are thousands of books, podcasts, videos, webinars, programs, etc geared towards telling you what love is and how you should feel and what you should want.

Some of us reach that place and often times feel disappointed. Others struggle to ever get there. Why?

Why is this societal idea of love that we have been told we must achieve so challenging to obtain?

Maybe because it is not what our higher self or soul knows to be true. Maybe because we self-abandon or self-betray in order to reach this expectation of love that is not even ours.

Let me ask you again, how do you want to be loved?

Take time to sit with this question, allow your higher self to come through you and show you the answers you seek.

Remember, You are divine and worthy.

Much Love & Light,

PS. Give yourself a hug today. You deserve it just for being.



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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