Have you felt lost?


I am not sure if there is something in the air, water or stars but over the last few weeks I have had several clients and friends feel lost all of the sudden. It’s as if they knew who they were and where they were going then all of this sudden they felt lost in who they were or where they’re going. That is an unnerving feeling because we feel ungrounded when this happens.

Imagine you are in the forest on this beautiful hike and all the sudden nothing feels familiar or correct and you are unsure if the path you are on is leading you to where you want to go or if you even want to be on this path.

Many of us have experienced that lost feeling whether in the forest or in some or all areas of our lives. I want to unpack what might be happening and what you can do to make your way through it.

There are two types of feeling lost I am going to address that I commonly see. The first is feeling done with something whether it be a relationship, job, location, etc or doing something you have never done before and therefore not sure what to do next because this is how things have always been and at this point you don’t know another way. You feel lost at how to move forward

The second type of feeling lost is when you know what you want and you start moving forward…you might even start seeing results but something happens to make you doubt yourself and you feel lost and not sure of yourself.

The first one is coming from just not knowing what to do which can easily be remedied by opening your mind to possibilities, expanding your knowledge, seeking options and find others that have done it. A baby doesn’t naturally know how to walk. They look for someone who models it to learn from. Basically you need to learn what to do. When I started my first business in 2007 I was lost on how to start or run a business. So I read books, took courses and even found two mentors to help me.

Now the second type of feeling lost is more tricky because it deals with both your emotional and mental side. Fear creeps in as we begin to make changes and the more we ignore or succumb to that fear the more it wins. That fear brings up those old subconscious beliefs to bring us back to what it knows as safe which is the old familiar ways of being.

So usually when something happens to make you doubt yourself it starts creating the feeling of being lost. Why? Because you have ventured into the unfamiliar and something happened. As this new self you don’t know how to navigate with what has happened which makes you feel lost. See how this is connected to the first type of feeling lost…you just don’t know how to navigate through it yet as the new self. The only way you know how to deal with the thing that happened is to go back to the old self. Which at this point most people give up where they are going to go back to the familiar. Naturally it feels safer and you feel like you can breathe again.

There is a remedy for this though. Stay where you are. Your mind, those neurons that fire together and wire together, are literally in a change state. When something happens that might throw you off course allow it to hit you but not bring your back to the old. You are being tested here and the faster way to fire and wire the new neurons and create a new habit/behavior/life is to get familiar with it even as things happen that might push the doubt button. It is going to feel super uncomfortable and you are naturally going to feel lost because you are in new territory. Find support through others who have gone through a similar course to help you find the way.

Don’t give up on what you desire even if in that moment you feel lost and not sure what your desire is anymore. You might be feeling lost but let the dust settle and recognize that you are navigating through something new, something big. Build trust with yourself by staying in it. You are safe, just in an unfamiliar place.

Let me know your biggest takeaway from this.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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