Forgiveness is not Condoning


Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. It is not about setting the circumstance or the other person free. It is about setting yourself free.

Forgivingness is not forgetting or not condoning what happened.

Forgivingness is letting go of the judgements you have been carry towards another, towards a circumstance and most importantly, towards yourself. Forgiveness is actually about forgiving yourself for having those judgements.

To stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone or something. Recognizing that the person feeling angry and/or resentful is you.

Forgiving yourself for having these judgements sets you free from carrying the energy of anger and resentment. It can create a cascade effect of ease and joy.

Join us Saturday, June 10th at noon ET for a Deep Heart Meditation on Forgiveness. I will take you on a journey of tapping into the anger, resent and judgements that you are holding onto and guide you through a process of releasing them. This experience is donation based to make it accessible to everyone.

Much Love & Light,




Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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