Feeling Safe In The Unknown
I pondered what I could write that would support you in how you might be feeling. We are all feeling a mix of emotions right now as the entire world goes into lockdown and braces itself for the worse to hit.
We have no idea what the worse will look like since we have never in the history of the planet experienced something like this. We search for answers in hopes to have some idea what it is going to look like so we can physically and mentally prepare. But in all honesty we just don’t know.
Even with all the projections and forecasting that scientists statisticians, doctors and researchers are making… we still don’t have a clue. The future feels uncertain in how things will turn out. And that can trigger a wave of emotions. I know I am feeling them as are many of you.
When I closed my eyes, connected with my heart and began to listen to that higher power I felt it…I heard the message I was meant to not only give you but in essence remind you.
Your inner being is guiding you and there is safety in knowing this. Are you listening? Can you hear your inner wisdom?
Surrender to the unknown outside of you and trust your own power. You are powerful beyond measure. You don’t need the outer world to provide you answers. It is time to go within and find them for yourself. When you trust yourself then you feel safe in the unknown.
It feels calm, chill and at ease. If you are feeling worry, doubt or fear than you are not connected with your inner wisdom. Close your eyes, go within and reconnect…there you will feel safe in the unknown because in all honesty you will be home.
Stay safe out there! I am sending you so much love during this challenging time.
Much Love & Light,