Feel Like A Winner


The last piece to The Process to Change is CELEBRATION.

( If you are just tuning in go back and read the following posts to catch up)

You want to feel like you are winning and achieving…this will help you stay motivated to keep moving forward. In order to feel that way you need to recognize and honor things that move you forward.

For example, say you want to create a successful business. You could celebrate every person that becomes interested in your work. Maybe it is through someone following you on social media, signing up for your email list or reaching out to meet with you. Or when clients start working with you, even if it only 6 when you are on your way to 30 clients. Or it could be feedback you get on your website. Or even when someone unsubscribes from your email list because they are no longer interested or in alignment with what you are creating.

There is so much to celebrate during the Process to Change. When we look at things through the lens as everything is happening FOR YOU to create, grow and expand then you will have a lot to celebrate…you Feel Like a Winner.

Let’s see how we can celebrate through the entire Process to Change.

Once you are clear on what you want (even if what you want is to know what you want) and you know where you are starting from…that is a celebration.

Then as you start jumping into AWARENESS from the place of the observer you can get excited about what you are learning about yourself. You can’t change anything you aren’t aware of. Therefore, Celebrate when you become aware of something. When you have that Ah-ha moment.

As you dive into INVESTIGATION and start unpacking and getting to the root there is cause for celebration. When we discover the root or the unconscious story it is a huge celebration for us. It might not always feel that way because sometimes what we discover is uncomfortable. And yet we need to step into the discomfort in order to change that unconscious story so we can create something different in our lives.

FEELING might feel like the hardest part of the process to celebrate and yet there is so much to celebrate when we feel our emotions through to completion. Why? Because emotion is energy in motion and we are releasing old energy connected to the old story in order to make room for the new energy to move it.

REWRITING the old story to a new story can feel super exciting and easy to celebrate. Some people, though, get stuck on this one because often when they rewrite the new story they don’t believe it yet so doubts flood in. Therefore, when you can practice celebrating it gives you that little push to start believing it.

The work really comes in with the REPROGRAMMING step. This part takes practice, patience and persistence. I always celebrate every day that I work on reprogramming. I do a little dance that I am creating a new neural connection… I am rewriting that old story. Even if I don’t feel or see anything yet. I am excited to be doing the work.

Part of the practice of reprogramming is INTEGRATION which is about taking aligned action with the new story. Often times those aligned actions are unfamiliar and can feel uncomfortable. For example, when I wanted to work on speaking in front of large audiences I needed to take action and start practicing in front of audiences. I was super nervous at first and felt sick to my stomach. And I celebrated that I was doing it and when I did it.

The last part of the Process to Chance is collecting EVIDENCE. This is when the celebration gets supercharged. Every piece of evidence starts building on the change you are making towards what you are creating in your life. At this point celebration feels natural. One thing I do at this point though is not dance every time I collect another piece of evidence. I actually go do something normal like wash the dishes, sweep the floor, shower, brush my teeth, make my bed, read, etc.. The reason is I want to connect the evidence/the change with normal things I do in life because I want the new story and the new creation to be normal for me moving forward. It is not just doing something special every time but instead connecting it with my normal life. This is because I am creating a new personality in order to create a new personal reality.

This is how you weave CELEBRATION into the Process to Change. There is a lot to celebrate through this entire process and it makes the journey that more enjoyable.

What was your biggest takeaway from this? Comment below and let me know. I will celebrate with you.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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