Do You Value Yourself?


I think we all want people to value us. We want to feel seen and appreciated. Yet often we feel disappointed and frustrated when others don’t.

When you don’t feel valued by others it is a reflection that you don’t value yourself. Valuing yourself is a form of loving yourself.

To value oneself is to recognize the value you bring to the lives of others, to your community and to the world

You can’t force others to value you but you can choose who you share your value with. You are valuable, gifted in your own unique way and you have so much to give to those who value your gift.

The issue is you are giving away your gift and yourself to those that cannot appreciate it.

For most of us this is learned conditioning/behavior from our childhood.

You so desperately wanted Mom and Dad to see and approve of you in order to survive that you kept giving in hopes to be seen. As children we needed our caretakers to survive.

As an adult you are still living out this pattern of giving way your gift whether you consciously realize it or not. You are giving your gift often to those who can’t see it or don’t need it and you want them to value you…just like when you were a kid.

Changing this pattern starts with you valuing yourself. Valuing yourself is an act of love.
1. Recognize the value you bring and what you are bringing to the world.
2. Clear up all the ways you have stopped valuing yourself and then surround yourself with those who see you and value you.
3. Bless and release those who don’t see you or value you. Its okay if they don’t but that doesn’t mean you need to keep them around.

If you continue not to feel valued then take responsibility for who you are giving your value away to. I promise you there are people out there who will value what you have to give.

I leave you with a reminder from Maya Angelou — “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

Comment below and let me know if this resonated with you. I always love hearing from you.

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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