Discover Your Unconscious Limiting Beliefs
Most of us are aware of our surface level limiting beliefs. We do the work to change those and we see some shifts in our lives. Yay! And most of us get stuck at that level of awareness. It is as if we can’t get past a certain place or level in our life.
It is like when a friend says:
- I can never seem to make $100k or more a year.
- I can never seem to lose that extra 15 pounds.
- I only ever meet men/women who are not wanting to commit.
- I never seem to get out of debt.
This is often because we don’t realize that we have an unconscious limiting belief holding us back.
This is where the next part of “The Process to Change” comes in — Investigate.
We need to investigate under the surface to find the root belief that is creating our current behaviors which is creating our current personal reality.
Building off the example I used in the last post:
Looking at my personal reality I was seeing several friends acting from a place of fear. The emotion I was feeling was agitation and annoyance. The action I wanted to take was to tell them to stop and share that I thought they were being ridiculous and there was nothing to be afraid of. I noticed I didn’t want them around. Now that I had some pieces to work with it was time to dig and investigating as to why this was showing up.
When we start getting curious we move into the investigation piece of “The Process to Change”. Taking the pieces I discovered through my self-awareness practice I began to see something familiar. The way I was responding to my friends fear was how my mother would respond to my fear when I was a child. No blame to my mother here. From her perspective she thought, for example, that it was ridiculous I had fear to go up and down the slide when I was 4 or 5 years old. I was a bit of a scaredy-cat.
At that age I created a story that it was ridiculous to have fear based on what was modeled to me. This lead me to reject my own fear. My friends were mirroring this back to me as I was rejecting their fear.
Now you are probably wondering how do you start investigating to locate your unconscious limiting beliefs. Here are a two questions to get you started:
- Where have I felt this before in my life?
- What did I make it mean about myself or the world?
Sit with these questions, reflect and journal about them. Be the observer in the process and not the judge. You are here to discover your unconscious limiting beliefs not to blame or shame yourself. Remember that the beliefs you formed in childhood came from an unconscious place.
Allow any feelings to come up around what you discover. Look for more on this next week as feeling your emotions is essential to shifting these limiting beliefs.
Enjoy investigating and discovering more about yourself.
Much Love & Light,