Creating Your Life is Fun


I’ve been thinking a lot about this work…the work to heal, evolve and create a life your truly desire. (i.e. Manifesting the life you desire) It can be tough work and sometimes daunting. And we can get stuck in the mindset that it has to be heavy because it’s WORK.

I am here to tell you that it actually does not need to be heavy or daunting… it can actually be fun. To make it fun all you need to do is shift your perspective towards it being fun rather than heavy. I know, easier said than done.

Now that is not to say that it won’t be uncomfortable at times. And being uncomfortable does not have to be seen as heavy or not fun. We give things meaning, therefore we can decide that being uncomfortable can be a part of the game of manifesting/creating which by the way can be fun.

When I am in an uncomfortable state of being or situation I now look at it as “oh I am growing here.” I start to get excited about it. It’s like when you’re training for a 10k run. It feels uncomfortable at first because it’s not familiar to you. And you can decide to moan and groan about it which just makes the process harder and more challenging. Or you can decide to look at it as a part of the game and lean into the discomfort of those sore muscles. See it as part of where you’re growing into and as part of the process of growth… of reaching your desired outcome.

Let me give you an example to help illustrate the shift from heavy to fun:

A client found out that a colleague was sabotaging her because they were jealous and wanted her position. Ugh! This can feel heavy especially when you take on the energy of victim mentality which this client was doing. They literally asked the question of,“Why does this happen To Me?”

Then I asked if they’re willing to shift at looking at this through the lens of things happening For Me and turning this into a fun game. This change of position puts us in the driver seat of our lives. And we look at what’s happening through a much different lens.

Since we know that our personal reality is created by our personality we needed to understand why this was showing up in her life. So we went on a bit of a scavenger hunt. Again making the process fun!

What we discovered on the scavenger hunt was that as a child she was a quick learner and naturally excelled at school. She was often recognized and rewarded with lavish things from her parents which made her popular at school because she was seen as wealthy. Some kids were jealous of this and were not kind to her. This lead to her creating an unconscious belief that every time she achieved something she expected people to treat her unkindly. She said to me, “It’s normal for people not to want to celebrate your wins.” This was true for her because it was the pattern she was familiar with and what she witnessed throughout her life… it was all she knew.

In order to really enjoy the scavenger hunt of this process we need to look at it as a fun game rather than a daunting task. This makes the process more enjoyable and actually helps you to shift the belief a lot faster.

Once we discovered this then she began shifting it and miraculously the colleague actually apologized for the rude behavior and congratulated her on her recent promotion. That was huge proof of the work and like bonus points when you clear another level in a video game.

So my recommendation for you is look at your process and recognize where you’re not having fun with it. Where does it feel daunting or heavy? And what can you do to shift it into something fun and more enjoyable, even if it’s uncomfortable?

Happy Creating!

Much Love & Light,



Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist
Kerri-Ann Appleton, Energy Alchemist

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