Collect Evidence Around Your New Story
This is the fun part of the Process to Change…Evidence. As we start Reprogramming and Integrating we want to start looking for evidence and collecting it. Evidence that the change is taking form and that the change is possible.
Since we are literally changing our personal reality through changing our personality we need to start looking at what is showing up in our outer world. The small things that show up are evidence that we are creating change.
Look at it through the lens of a child learning to walk. At the beginning the child is pulling themselves up on stuff or the parents are holding their hands. They wobble a lot and we get excited when they slowly start to balance. This is evidence that change is happening. As they take those first few steps it is more evidence. We continue to collect evidence and encourage the child to walk. Eventually they are running circles around you. Yay!
Let me use an example from my own life:
As I was starting to build a conscious minded community of folks who do this type of work I had to work on believing it was possible and I collected evidence as things started to change. I met three new like-minded friends through showing an extra room I had for rent. I connected with a new friend through an activity I was facilitating. I met a new friend at a coffee shop while looking for a place to charge my phone. All were people I met randomly and who were in alignment with what I was building. This was all evidence that things were changing because I was changing.
Now it is your turn:
Reflect and look for evidence of where things are changing based on your new story. A question you can ask yourself is, how did the new story show up today? Do this as a daily or weekly practice. You are literally tuning your mind to see it. The more you do it the more you will believe it is possible. Anything is possible.
Comment below and share your evidence with me. I want to celebrate with you.
Much Love & Light,