Are you playing BIG or small?
The video I was listening to on YouTube while I was making sushi yesterday came to an end and one with Abraham Hicks came on. I was tied up with literally rolling sushi and therefore let the next video play. Boy am I glad I did because there was a powerful message in the video that hit home for me. This was a moment where the universe was literally sending me a message.
Abraham was answering a question from a participant around charging money for her services and gave such eye-opening wisdom…”Someone may want very much something you have to offer and not right now have whatever you are asking for for them to give you an exchange. But you then say to them well it will be a different price for you or there will be no price for you. There is another message you are giving to them which says I do for you what I see you can’t do for yourself which is a message of disempowerment. It is not in alignment with what your inner being knows to be true.”
I sat and thought about this message as I have never felt in alignment with giving things away for free . As I pondered I remember my training when I was hired to work with a nonprofit that served the homeless. During that training they said, “Never give money to the homeless. When you give money you are not helping them but keeping them where they are at.” Basically, you are not empowering them to grow and expand…you are helping them stay small.
Ugh! Not at all what I want to create in the world…people playing small. I want people to play big and lead extraordinary lives and I believe it is possible.
And I have felt the guilt come over me when I see a mother and her child sitting on the street with their hands out asking for help. You feel you must do something. But you know in reality you give to them and nothing changes as they are sitting on that same spot the next day with their hands out.
Of course my conditioned mind questions this idea with, “But Kerri what about those who could use a little boost after getting knocked down?” For example the many people who are now out of work unexpectedly due to the pandemic and are receiving support from the government or family/friends. I look at those moments like when all of the sudden you get sick and are stuck home in bed with no energy to cook or walk your dog.
During these moments support from others is necessary for you to heal and get back on your feet as quickly as possible. You are not playing small or staying small…you are powering back up to play big again.
Does these difference make sense to you?
This is one of the reasons why I have a Nothing for Free policy…it keeps both you and me playing small and doesn’t nurture the abundant world we live in. Now that doesn’t mean you don’t help a friend when they have been knocked down. But it is knowing the difference between when you are supporting them to grow and when you are enabling them from growing.
But let me ask you the real question, where are you looking for free handouts or expecting things for free and playing small in your life? Where can you start empowering yourself and start playing big? The universe is energy and therefore responds to your energy. If you are playing small you will only receive small but when you are playing big…watch out world.
Much Love & Light,