Are you Above or Below the Line?
I am rereading the book “15 Commitment of Conscious Leadership” by the Conscious Leadership Group and right off the bat they talk about this concept of Above or Below the Line. Above the line means you are conscious, open to learning, growing and flowing. Below the line means you are unconscious, defensive, closed, reacting from past experience and struggling.
Now first looking at the above descriptions where would you like to live more of your life from, Above the Line or Below the Line?
If you are like most people I imagine you answered Above the Line.
Most of us want to live from a conscious place, being intentional, open to learning, abundant, thriving, growing and truly owning our life. Does that feel warm and fuzzy?
Just take a moment, maybe pause from reading this and imagine life from Above the Line. (Mmmmm that feels good)
So, you might be wondering, “How do I get more of that?”
It starts with understanding where you are at… not just right now but throughout your day. When I say recognize where you are at, I mean in terms of the line…Above or Below.
Constantly checking in with yourself and asking, “Am I Above or Below the Line right now?” And doing it from a place of curiosity rather than judgement.
Some opportunities might be: When the neighbor’s dog poops on your front lawn? When you have your coffee in the morning? When you are participating in a Zoom call for work? When you are telling your husband that your kid got bullied at school? When you first wake up in the morning before getting out of bed?
The more you learn to check in and locate yourself as Above and Below the Line the more you have the power to do something about where you are at.
Being Below the Line is not bad but it can feel bad depending on how you look at it. If you look at it as you are horrible and feel defeated then there is really not a lot of room to shift. But if you start looking at it as an opportunity to change something then you start feeling that warm and fuzzy feeling you felt earlier.
The point being is that you are not going to feel more of the warm and fuzzy feelings if you don’t start recognizing where you are at. Where you are at either tells you that something needs to change or it tells you keep doing more of what you are doing because you are living from a place you want to be living from.
So let me ask you, “Are you Above or Below the Line in this moment?”
Comment below and let me know. I always love hearing from you.
Much Love & Light,
PS. If you need a few tools to live more from Above the Line they check out the Love Fest: 21-day journey to self-love and compassion.